The launching of the Nokia 2700 Classic was announced in January 2009 and the phone was officially introduced in July 2009. The phone has an impressive outlook and weighs a mere 85 grams inclusive of its battery. It dimensions are 109.2 X 46.0 X 14.0 mm. It has a graphical interface and comes with a TFT, 262K color screen which is sized at 2 inches; the resolution of the screen stands at 240 X 320 pixels. In brief the aforementioned features make the Nokia 2700 Classic an outstanding technological gadget in the hands of the consumer.
The internal memory and storage capacity of the phone allows you to store more than 1000 phone numbers; and displays lists of 20 received calls, outgoing calls and lost calls separately. Isn’t that great! It has a 64 MB shared memory that can be upgraded 2 GB using Micro SD memory cards. The Nokia 2700 Classic comes with an autofocus and flash led that enables the user to take some great photographs in low light with an accurate focus, since the autofocus feature rectifies the problem of incorrect focus. The phone has some great networking features and aspects and is seen to support USB connectivity, GPRS, EDGE, Bluetooth, HSCSD, Wi-Fi and one or more browser technology that enhances internet connectivity, data storage and file transfer. It also supports HTML, XHTML and WAP technology making internet access available while travelling or on the move. Email facilities are also available in the Nokia 2700 Classic phone. You can also send MMS, SMS easily on this handset.
I like Nokia, but because of its famous mark, its model or style be followed by other HP manufacturer.
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